Raceday Barometer Pairs
Posted by Marcia Scudder on Wednesday, 23 July 2014 at 21:12
On Wednesday 23rd July, there was indeed a race meeting to accompany play.
The Raceday Barometer Pairs was designed to allow a mix of bridge and race going.
Lunch was accompanied by the running of races 1 and 2, then each subsequent round was played between races.
A barometer display was available to allow competitors to see where they were running after each round. The final results on the display were:
First past the post were: Rosemarie ROLSTON - Ingeborg RADONIC-ERRATH
Coming in second were: Judy ZHU - Yumin LI
and third: Adrian POLLOCK - Judy FRAZIER
A lucky prize was awarded to the pair whose number matched the winner of the last race
They were: Jacqueline GRUSZKA - Ariane ROBB