Nationals, Sydney, Nov. 9-19
Includes GNOT finals and the inaugural Dick Cummings Blue Ribbon Pairs.
Sydney 1 wins the GNOT final, Gill/Del'Monte win the Dick Cummings
Pairs, Noble wins the Spring National Open and Beech wins the Women's.
Bridge Olympiad 2000, Aug.
26- Sep. 9, Maastricht, Holland.
- Daily Australian Results Summary
by Peter Gill (4/9 16:30)
- Transnational Mixed Teams (6/9)
- Australian/NZ team datums - butler
Swiss Pairs, Launceston, Oct. 13-16
2000 Hans Rosendorff Memorial Women's Teams, Sept. 29-Oct. 2, Perth
Summer NABC
August 10-20, Anaheim, CA
S. Burgess and A. Bach win the IMP Pairs
2000 ANC, July 14-28, Brisbane
Results, bulletins, teams and photos.
Victor Champion Cup, June 10-12, Melbourne
Autumn National Teams, May 12-15, Adelaide. Horton defeats
Lorentz in final.
2000 Playoffs, Apr. 21-24, Sydney
Barrier Reef Congress, Apr. 21-24, Cairns
Gold Coast Congress, Feb. 19-26.
Summer Festival of Bridge, Jan. 12-24.
Australian Youth Championships,
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