• eBulletins
Two x 6C from Match 5. Bd 15 & 7
Posted by Nick Hughes on Friday, 21 October 2016 at 08:28
A few pairs reached 6♣ here, maybe after West was able to show a singleton heart over 2NT. Strangely, three declarers managed to go down on a diamond lead. Looks like they each played a club to the ace early on. That can't be right.
Now Board 7 from the same match
I played the marginal 6♣ from West, the short side. I won the heart lead and ran ♣10. If the finesse wins, I would be in great shape. If East wins ♣K and returns a spade, I can still make. Hop ♠A, draw trumps, take the ruffing finesse in hearts to take care of dummy's spade loser, then a successful diamond finesse for 12 tricks.
So I made, right?
No. Robert Krochmalik as South ducked ♣10. Naturally I repeated the finesse. I was down now because I had to play hearts to try to get to dummy to draw trumps.