• eBulletins
666, the devil's number.
Posted by Nick Hughes on Wednesday, 23 October 2019 at 11:18
Match 6, Board 6.
4♠ by East looks cold but it's possible to go down if you are careless.
Say South leads a diamond to your ace.
If you play a trump at trick two, you lose the next four tricks for -100.
The safer line - given South's takeout double of 1♠ - is to ruff a diamond then lead dummy's ♣K to discard a heart.
That has to be better and in fact earns you +620.
Brad Coles and David Morgan were well-pleased with their +100 vs 4♠.
What happened at the other table? Their teammates - Tony Hutton & David Weston - serously overbid to 6♠x.
This was booked for -500 and 9 IMPs out until South decided to lead the ♣A at trick one for +1660 and 18 IMPs in!
Two Souths in top teams led the ♣A. It would be mean to name them.