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McCance Trophy and Victor Champion Cup, Melbourne
June 10-14, 2004


2004 Results and Regulations 
Hand records are available in various formats for loading into your favourite software.

BridgeBase files: R8, R9, R10
Commentary text files : R8, R9, R10


Venue: Eden on the Park, Queens Road, Melbourne
(03) 9250 2222 or 1800 033 001

McCance (Seniors Teams) Trophy June 10 and 11
VCC - June 12 - 14

Conveners:  Jenny Thompson 0407 343 350 and Diana Jacobs 0413 003633

A live internet broadcast will be made through Bridge Base Online of a match from one of the leading tables in each of the final three rounds of the 2004 Victor Champion Cup. The session times (Australian Eastern Standard Time) for the broadcast matches are Sunday 13 June at 8:30 pm and Monday 14 June at 10:00 am and 1:00 pm.

Past VCC and McCance Trophy

You will need the Adobe Acrobat(R) reader version 4.0 to view this PDF file format. It is available free of charge for most operating systems from the Adobe Web site.
