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End of the Fourth Day
DAY 4 Wednesday 18th September
Wuhan is 2 hours behind AEST. The BBO match times are shown in AEST as a 24-hour clock.
Match 10 12:00 to 14:30
Australia were not on BBO, so we follow the Open match with the top two teams Sweden and USA1. In the open room for Sweden was NS the brothers Ola Rimstedt North and Mikael Rimstedt South and for USA1 was Rodwell West and Meckstroth East.
USA1 had a reasonable win by 19 imps but the match was of a high quality with good pressure bridge from both pairs (Levin and Weinstein for USA1 were exceptional in the closed room).
Boards of interest in this match:
Board 19
The idea is to get to 7NT.
West has 24 points but it plays much better than this because of the source of tricks in ♦. If you play a strong ♣ system, West opens 1♣ and East shows a balanced 11-12 points. West will be off to the races so to speak. In a standard system, West must show a hand that is more than 24-25 balanced in playing strength with a solid ♦ suit. Then East can cooperate with the 11 points.
Both pairs bid artificially to get to 7NT.
Board 25
This hand looks like a straight forward (more or less) 3NT contract (maybe 5♣). The auction might go 1♦ by North and pass by East 1♠ by South and then 2NT and 3NT (East may bid 1♠, then 1NT, 3NT). The ♦s behave a flat board.
However, in high level games, things can be made more difficult. This was the auction in the open room.
Ola Rimstedt upgraded as North to 2NT. South transferred to ♠s. At this point, Rodwell doubled showing ♥s. Ola passed having only a doubleton ♠ with minimum values and Mikael redoubled to show values and good ♠s. Now Ola had to bid 3NT with only 1♥ stopper and no ♠ fit. He decided not to (which must be logically correct) and that was that. They found the ♣ fit but even 5♣ is beaten.
USA1 in the closed room bid 3NT.
Board 27
The bidding went as follows.
.North then thought a long while. Ola had bid only 2♥ originally with the 4 3 3 3 hand but now partner had a short ♣ and made a 5♦ (last train game try which must have ♠ controls) so his hand is very good. Ola eventually bid only 5♥.
USA1 bid 6♥ at the other table.
West, on the bidding, is favoured to have the ♦A. On a ♣ lead (which knocks out your only sure entry to the second ♦ trick when West ducks the first one), then a 3 0 ♥ break beats you (no entry to the second ♦ for a ♠ pitch) but nothing else.
The Open Team
51 |
13.97 |
36 |
6.03 |
Current Position |
9th |
Current Total |
116.79 |
Total of 8th Place |
118.95 |
Board 19
Each pair bid 7NT.
Board 25
Australia bid and made 3NT and Russia went off in 5♣.
Board 27
Liam Milne and Tony Nunn bid 6♥ and Russia played in 4♥.
The Women’s Team
25 |
6.47 |
37 |
13.28 |
Current Position |
18th |
Current Total |
73.17 |
Total of 8th Place |
118.64 |
Board 19
Australia bid 6NT and Poland bid 7NT.
Board 25
Both pairs bid and made 3NT.
Board 27
Russia bid 6♥ and Australia played in 4♥.
The Mixed Team
58 |
15.74 |
34 |
4.26 |
Current Position |
14th |
Current Total |
94.57 |
14th |
Total of 8th Place |
116.59 |
Board 19
Jodi Tutty and David Beauchamp bid 7NT and the opponents 6NT.
Board 25
Australia bid and made 3NT and Egypt doubled 2♥ one off.
Board 27
Both pairs played in 4♥.
The Senior Team
30 |
7.97 |
USA1 |
37 |
12.03 |
Current Position |
12th |
Current Total |
99.83 |
Total of 8th Place |
119.29 |
Board 19
USA1 bid 7NT and Australia 6NT
Board 25
Both pairs bid and made 3NT.
Board 27
Bruce Neill and Avi Kanetkar bid 6♥ and USA1 played in 4♥.
Match 11 15:30 to 18:00On BB
On BBO was the Australian team versus USA2.
The open room was Andrew Braithwaite North and Arjuna De Livera South against Mike Lair West and Michael Rosenberg East.
Boards of interest in this match:
USA2 won quite convincingly and a large part of this was due to taking more aggressive action in non-competitive and competitive auctions
Board 2
A great defence by Andrew and Arjuna gaining 5 imps as they played 3♣ in the other room making. Arjuna led the ♦A asking for attitude (the ♦K would ask for count) and Andrew played the ♦2. A small ♦ to the ♦Q and they got the ♣ ruff. Of course, they could always get the club ruff but looking at dummy at trick 2, Arjuna reasoned the best chance was to play Andrew for a ♣ honour (say the ♣Q) and declarer to mis-guess or to play Andrew for ♣QJ.
This was an unlucky game for USA1 (beaten on a ♣ ruff) but you must take what you are given.
Board 6
Where 4NT was RKCB in ♠s and 5♦ was 0 or 3 (which did not surprise Mike Lair!). 5NT was asking for specific kings and 6♦ showed what Mike needed to hear.
The auction in the closed room diverted slightly and this caused the loss on the board.
North bid 4♥ here rather than 3♥ but if West bids 4♠ rather than double, it would have probably saved the board. West’s pass over 6♥ is forcing and guarantees all first round controls but East could not bid on comfortably.
The Open Team
36 |
14.39 |
19 |
5.61 |
Current Position |
8th |
Current Total |
131.18 |
Total of 8th Place |
131.18 |
Board 2
4♥ going off by both pairs.
Board 6
Australia bid and made 7♠ whereas Canada doubled 6♥ for 1100 – 15 imps for Australia.
The Women’s Team
33 |
8.24 |
39 |
11.76 |
Current Position |
18th |
Current Total |
103.68 |
Total of 8th Place |
128.49 |
Board 2
Brazil made 4♥ on the ♦A lead and Australia went one off.
Board 6
Flat in 6♠.
The Mixed Team
33 |
6.48 |
46 |
13.52 |
Current Position |
15th |
Current Total |
101.05 |
Total of 8th Place |
129.41 |
Board 2
Australia went one off in 4♥ but NS were allowed to play 2♠ making for a flat board.
Board 6
Canada bid 7♠ and Australia 6♠.
The Senior Team
29 |
4.26 |
USA2 |
53 |
15.74 |
Current Position |
13th |
Current Total |
104.09 |
Total of 8th Place |
135.26 |
The boards are discussed above.
Match 12 18:10 to 20:40
Boards of interest in this match:
Board 21
The aim is to get to 7♠.
An auction like this should get you there.
Where 2NT is Jacoby, 3♣ is shortage, 4♣ is natural good suit, 4♦, 4♥ are cues.
Then 5♠ shows 2 with the ♠Q and 5NT says we have everything bid 7 with a source of tricks or show any further kings.
The Open Team
21 |
8.52 |
26 |
11.48 |
Current Position |
9th |
Current Total |
139.70 |
Total of 8th Place |
143.99 |
Each team had one aberration on a board but otherwise it was a well fought tough match.
Board 21
Both pairs bid 7♠.
The Women’s Team
28 |
12.55 |
19 |
7.45 |
Current Position |
18th |
Current Total |
93.96 |
Total of 8th Place |
142.55 |
Board 21
Both pairs bid 6♠.
The Mixed Team
38 |
11.76 |
32 |
8.24 |
Current Position |
15th |
Current Total |
112.81 |
Total of 8th Place |
141.08 |
Board 21
Australia bid 7♠ and Latvia bid 6♠.
The Senior Team
41 |
14.80 |
22 |
5.20 |
Current Position |
13th |
Current Total |
118.89 |
Total of 8th Place |
145.70 |
Board 21
Both pairs bid 7♠.
Posted by Chris on Thursday, 19 September 2019 at 00:32