Match 1
Australia vs New Zealand 54 30 which converts to 16.03 3.97
Current position 7th
North – South Andrew Spooner (N) Tomer Libman (S)
East – West Jamie Thompson (E) Matt Smith (W)
A big win for Australia against our neighbours across the ‘ditch’.
Board 3
Australia were unlucky on this board
When New Zealand held the EW cards, the following was the bidding
The New Zealand East bid 5♥.
When Matt and Jamie held the EW cards, the New Zealand pair bid 3♦ and 6♦.
Jamie bid 6♥.
6♥ failed due to the inescapable heart loser.
It is a fantastic slam.
Board 7
The New Zealand EW pair had an accident when they played in 6♦ doubled going off when East held an eight card solid heart suit [5♥ would have made].
Board 12
Jamie made a fine non-bid on this hand.
His hand was
He passed and the contract went 3 down for +300 whereas the New Zealand player bid again and went for 800 in 5♦ doubled.
Board 13
The New Zealand EW perhaps were guilty of playing catch up after a poor result on the previous hand and bid a poor 6♠ contract
Match 2
Australia vs Colombia 22 69 which converts to 0.82 19.18
Current position 9th
North – South Renee Cooper (N) Francesca McGrath (S)
East – West Matt Smith (W) Jamie Thompson (E)
Australia lost a 9 or more imps on 6 boards and they picked up 10 on only 1 board.
Going through the boards.
Board 2
An unfortunate lead by East and then a fortunate club position allows Colombia to make 4♠ doubled with game not bid in the other room. A little unlucky.
Board 3
Matt and Jamie had an accident and got to 7♠ doubled off 2 aces and the king of trumps.
Board 5
Colombia played 6NT from the wrong side and a club lead would beat the doubled contract but the lead was not found by Jamie
Board 7
This is a lead problem and an awkward hand to play.
East is in 4♥. The Colombian South led the ♠9 and the contract can be made now but the play is not clear cut. Win the ♠K and duck a heart.
Francesca led a small club and the contract made as the spade suit provided discards [as the entry to the spades had not been attacked].
Board 11
A poor 4♥ contract made on an inspired guess in the trump suit.
Rather than continue with the boards, suffice to say it was one of those matches were Australia did not play well and some luck went against them as well.
Match 3
Australia vs Italy 25 15 which converts to 12.97 7.03
Current position 9th
North – South Renee Cooper (N) Francesca McGrath (S)
East – West Tomer Libman (W) Andrew Spooner (E)
Only 2 large swings in this match.
Board 4
Italy bid and made 6♥ on the lead of the ♣K. All West has to do is switch to a trump and the contract is defeated [those diamonds look threatening but if declarer has the ♦K, there is probably no defence]. The only other possibility is switching to a spade and hope partner has the ♠K and ♦K [but that gives declarer a load of rubbish to be in 6♥].
Board 5
Renee was the only declarer in the field to make a vulnerable 3NT.
Match 4
Australia vs Israel 1 36 which converts to 2.23 17.77
Current position 11th
North – South Renee Cooper (N) Francesca McGrath (S)
East – West Matt Smith (W) Jamie Thompson (E)
This was an important match as Israel were our main threat to take the last qualifying position.
There were 2 large imp loss boards.
End of Day Summary
A poor day for the team. However, if we finish very well tomorrow, there is still a chance of finishing in a qualifying position
Tomorrow they play the final 3 matches in qualifying
Match 19 |
Botswana |
Currently 22nd |
Match 20 |
France |
Currently 7th |
Match 21 |
Chinese Taipei |
Currently 16th |
Posted by Mike and Chris on Tuesday, 14 August 2018 at 01:08