An Interesting Hand from the fourth match

This was board number 4              The dealer was West      N/S vul and E/W vul

Australia vs Poland



The bidding proceeded as follows

With Australia NS Renee Cooper playing with Francesca McGrath

The Polish EW


This went 2 down.

The Polish West was too enamored with his suit that he ignored partner’s 2 bid and has 4 card suit of his own.

With Australia EW Jamie Thompson playing with Matt Smith

They bid as follows


Where 3 was suit setting, 3 cue, pass denied first round control, 3NT was A control and 4 was a cue (A/K). West did well to pass 6 when given a choice of slams.


Although admittedly 6 is still a pretty good contract, I think there was a little justice that it went down given against a stone cold 6 [on your unlucky days, 6 would make as well for a small loss.


Looking at the other tables there is a bizarre range of scores including one match flat in 7 going down and another match flat in 7 MAKING!

Posted by Mike and Chris on Thursday, 9 August 2018 at 23:30