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What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for April 2001

The best April submission came from Julian Foster, julian_foster@deloitte.com.au.


ª Q7
© AKJ82
¨ A
§ A10854

At unfavourable vulnerability
Bidding: West North EastSouth

Opponents are playing standard so 1C showed at least 3. 1S is not forcing. I meant 2C as a general "do something" force. I reckoned partner had 5S and 2H, it would play better in S's as there are entries to my H's and it seemed wholly unsuitable for NTs. As partner hadn't passed 1H I figured she at least held something so I probably wanted to be in game. In the end I just bid 4S which had very little play opposite A10xxx 10 Qxxxxxx x (although it was as good as anything else really!)

And David's Response:
Hi Julian,
I like 2c as a forward-going move. If partner rebids spades then I will bid 4S. If partner bids 2D, as I would have, I will head for NTs. Partner cannot have primary support so I would bid 3NT over 2H. Partner's hand pattern is certainly odd. By the way 4S looks to be an excellent spot - should come in on a cross - ruff and might even make on a trump lead.

All the best,
David Beauchamp


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