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What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for April 2003

The best submission in April came from Michael Phillips.

Hand: The dealer is East and EW is vulnerable playing IMPs scoring. North holds:

ª 765
© 3
¨ AKJ1054
§ Q76
Bidding: West North East South
  -- -- 3H P
  P ?    

What should I bid?

And Peter's Response:

Hi Michael,
Your heart shortage and the silence from South and West suggest partner has some hearts. The four choices are pass, double, 3NT and 4D.
I don't believe 4D is tactically sound. It has all the risks of the other bids and none of the benefits.
So rule that out.
3NT is much better than 4D, but if the diamonds don't run how many tricks will we make?
Pass won't please partner if he/she was waiting for your takeout double.
You've just wimped out.
So here we are. Double is my choice. Risky, like crossing the street.
I'm hoping partner can pass, but if partner bids I'll pass and see what the scorer tells me.
Generally, when you are short in the preempted suit, double in the passout seat if you can. If you don't, partner will start bidding on hands that ought to be passed, waiting for your co-operation.
Peter Fordham

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