What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for April 2006
The best submission for the month of April was made by John William Gross.
Hand: At West, as dealer, I held the hand with both red suits.
- |
AK987 |
East |
South |
1 |
P |
1NT |
P |
4 |
P |
5 |
All Pass |
Comments: I was very tempted to bid 6 but
decided that the uncertainties were too great. With RHO holding AJ bare in
diamonds, 6 was
no problem. We play a fairly standard 5-card major system, with "Benjamin" 2 /2 reversed.
I do not like to open strong 2-suiters like this with a Benjamin opening bid. I
feel it often leads to problems in telling partner about the two suits before
the level is too high.
For this reason I opened 1 ,
crossing my fingers that it would not be passed out. When partner showed a mere
1NT response I chose to rebid 4 to
let her know that I was strong but not interested in a notrump contract. Already
at that stage I was only vaguely hoping for a slam.
Support of my diamond suit made me think harder about the slam, but I decided
not to.
Do you think I was right? And can you suggest any other auction(s) that may have
enabled us to reach the slam?
And Peter’s Response:
Hi John,
I too, prefer to open at the one level when holding an extreme 2 suiter,
although with a one loser hand, I might have relented and started with a strong
2 bid.
Be that as it may, I don't mind the 1
start. That is the end of my admiration for the auction.
The 1NT response is poor.
is the standard action and any effort to diagnose partner’s hand shape from here
will be based on the assumption that it does not contain 4 or more spades.
Given the 1NT response, 3
is the normal rebid. 3
is natural and game forcing. Over the likely 3NT rebid, I would continue
with 4 .
If partner happened to
raise 3
to 4 ,
I would be seeking to bid a grand slam by following up with 5NT. 5NT here is a
Grand Slam ask about diamonds.
Even on your auction, if
partner preferred diamonds to hearts, I would continue with 5NT.
You couldn't keep me out of less than 6
after partner responded 1NT.
The chances of partner
holding less than 3 diamonds while holding less than 4 spades and less than 3
hearts, is fairly low. Once partner prefers diamonds to hearts it is almost nil.
If partner turned up with
ace of diamonds after I enquired about trump honours, I would be pretty OK about
having a crack at 7 ,
settling in 6
if partner did not own up to the ace.
My view of how the auction
ought to have gone is this –
East |
South |
1 |
Pass |
1 |
Pass |
3 |
Pass |
3NT |
Pass |
4 |
Pass |
5 * |
Pass |
5NT |
Pass |
6 / * |
Pass |
or 6 conversion if
necessary |
All Pass |
* 5
Agrees diamonds and shows first round control in clubs.
** 6 /
Depending on method, denies first or second round diamond control.
6 /Pass
(depending on partner's previous bid).
Peter Fordham
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