What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for April 2008

The best submission for April came from Anne Paul.

Hand: EW vulnerable, East the dealer, I was South:

spades AKQ863
hearts -
diamonds K8752
clubs K5
spades 107542
hearts 6
diamonds 3
clubs AQ9643
Bidding: West North East South
       2diamonds  3clubs
 P  3spades  P  4spades
 5hearts  5spades //

Comments:  I was told by partner that I should not have bid and eventually we would have got to 6spades. But I felt that my bidding 3clubs should have helped partner as she had a void and K of my suit.  

So should I have bid 3clubs with a weak hand?

Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Anne,

It is very courageous to step out at the three level with only 6 HCPs.  Admittedly we have great shape and entering the auction could be the key to our winning the board.  The downside however is that partner will often have a balanced hand and will bid too much.

I would recommend passing over 2diamonds with a hand like the one you held.  However, if you add as much as a queen in your other long suit (spades), it is pretty close to a bid.  With the king of spades and the same hand, it would be very clear to act.

On the actual hand, entering the auction (by your hand) did happen to be the winning move.  Partner's hand was a monster and after they hear about the spade fit, I believe that they should force to slam.

Sartaj Hans

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