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What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for August 2003

The best submission in August came from Caroline Collie.

Hand: I was dealer in a duplicate competition at QCBC and at nil vulnerable held:

ª --
© --
¨ 108432
§ K10876532
Bidding: West North East South
  3C P P P

We play matchpoint precision and my partner who held 5/5 in the majors and about 11 points, didn't seem happy with me.

And Peter's Response:

Hi Caroline,
You don't say what your partner was unhappy about, but given the nature of her hand, my guess is she didn't think you should have pre-empted with your junk. Well, had she been playing with me, she would have been even unhappier - I would have opened 4C or 5C with your hand.
It is always difficult to know precisely what to do with wild hands, but it is crystal clear that you ought to open a high level in clubs.
To pass is simply ceding the battleground to the opponents. Yes, it is possible to get in the way of partner holding a monster.
Nonetheless it is hugely more likely that it is the opponents who you will disrupt. (Apart from anything else there are two of them, one partner.)
Whether you should open 3C, 4C, 5C or even, conceivably, 6C, is a matter of style and preference.
It helps to be consistent over time; partner will be well placed to judge what to do.
I rather like 4C. Let the opponents guess what to do at game level. When
they guess do not bid a second time without input from partner. Assume they guessed badly.
Peter Fordham

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