What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for December 2005

The best submission for the month of December was made by Edna Matheson.

Hand: Dealer West, E-W Vul:

spades 983
hearts AKJ8
diamonds Q3
clubs Q832
spades AQ10
hearts 7
diamonds 972
clubs AKJ1086
Bidding: West  North East South
   1clubs P 4NT P
   5diamonds P 6clubs All Pass

Comments: Hi Peter,

We were playing Standard in a Butler event. My questions are: should partner bid 3hearts? If so, what would my response be to this - 4clubs, 5clubs or 4hearts to show where my values are? Is 4clubs stronger here than 5clubs?

And Peter's Response:

Hi Edna,

I would bid whatever my forcing raise of clubs is in my methods (Jacoby 2NT, inverted minor, whatever).

I would feel ill at ease making a splinter raise of 3hearts as I would be concerned about the diamond position should partner re-bid 3NT. While splinter bids don't specifically promise cards in both the unbid suits, partner will usually assume this in choosing their re-bid.

Were I West, and partner had responded 3hearts, I would bid 3NT, a strong suggestion to play based on substantial heart values and no particular desire to proceed any higher.

Peter Fordham

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