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What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for December 2006 Edna Matheson made the best submission for the month of December. Hand: We were vulnerable and I was dealer, sitting South:
Comments: I didn't know what would be the best way to proceed with the bidding. Can you help me out? Peter's Reply: Hi Edna, This is not a good auction thus far and will probably end in either 3NT or 4. The problem has arisen from the 3 bid, either through a misunderstanding of the nature of the 2 bid or from a misjudgment of the worth of the responding hand. In the auction 1 (P) 1 (P); 2, 2 would be a game force. After the 2 overcall, 2 has been converted from a jump shift to a reverse. While denoting a strong hand it is only forcing for one round, not a game force. The consequence of this is that 3 is not forcing and, in my view, inadequate. Responder has enough for game and should bid either 4 or 3 "fourth suit forcing". Given the quality of the heart suit I believe 4 is superior to 3. So we would have 1 (P) 1 (2) 2 (P) 4 (P) ? After this auction the South hand screams heart slam, but South ought not get too carried away. North has said "excellent hearts in a modest hand." The modest hand bit comes from its non-forcing nature. Probably a direct 6 would be simplest and best. The club finesse is long odds on to succeed if it is needed and in many layouts will be unnecessary.
Regards |