What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for December 2007

Maura Rhodes made the best submission for the month of December.

Hand: Nil vulnerable, North is dealer. I was South:

spades A
hearts A10
diamonds AKQ872
clubs KQ54
spades J943
hearts J52
diamonds J9
clubs AJ83
Bidding: West  North East South
  2clubs Pass 2diamonds
  Pass 3diamonds Pass 3NT
  Pass Pass Pass Pass

Comments:    My 2diamonds was supposed to be a negative, not a relay and as such was, I think, inaccurate. Where did I go wrong? Was it in the 2diamonds response or in not taking any strong action after 3diamonds? Clearly 3NT was to be passed which it was. 12 tricks rolled home effortlessly. 7clubs was on but not really biddable, in my opinion, but I do think 6NT was.

Your thoughts, please, Sartaj?

Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Maura,

The problem in your methods seems to be that the 3NT rebid was way too wide-ranging.

From your partner's point of view, you could have held a hand as weak as


or a medium hand like


or even a hand as strong as the one you did hold.

Your actual hand did have a lot of potential opposite a 2clubs opening but was somehow unable to express it. However, in order to consider the right bid, we need to go a step back...

There is one convention that is almost universal in the so-called expert community, that is the "double negative" over a Game-Force opening. Over 2clubs, one could play the 2diamonds response as 5+ HCP and 2hearts as 0-4 HCP and others as per normal agreement. This arrangement removes the fear of responding being totally bust and encourages the 2clubs opener to bid out his shape.

I don't have a convincing solution to your problem (2clubs auctions are hard in general),

Possibilities include....

2clubs   2diamonds (5+)
3diamonds  3NT
4clubs   6clubs



2clubs  2diamonds(?)
3diamonds  4NT (quantitative)
5clubs  6clubs


In the latter auction, some theoretically minded individuals play 4NT as quantitative but in my partnership with Tony we play it as RKCB.

A practical approach to 2clubs response structure is popular in Canberra. In principle it goes something like :

2diamonds = 0-4 or 9+
2hearts = 5-8, transfer to spades
2spades = 5-8, balanced, transfer to notrumps
2NT = 5-8, transfer to clubs

and so on...

Lots of options, not a lot of confidence :)

Sartaj Hans

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