What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for February 2008

The best submission for February came from Geoffrey Hart.

 Hand: NS vulnerable, dealer South, you are North and hold:

spades Q
hearts AKJ762
diamonds AKQ53
clubs K
Bidding: West  North East South
   3 clubs ?

Comments:    The 2diamonds opening by South is part of standard multi, weak two in a major or 21-22 balanced. West's overcall is natural. How should North plan the bidding?

Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Geoffrey,

This hand is a nightmare !

I started discussing this with my partner Tony and he was equally clueless.

As you probably appreciate, both 3hearts and 4hearts are likely to be construed as "pass or correct" although there is a pretty good case for the latter to be natural (use 4clubs for the hands where we want to find out about partner's major).

I would try 3hearts as pass/correct and when partner bids the expected 3spades bid, then I'd try 4hearts and hope partner gets the gag. And if he happens to bid 4spades over that, we are committed to passing this and hoping his spades are something like KJ10xxx.

A good hand for a partnership to sort out its competitive methods after the multi.

A treatment that is very popular in other parts of the world, but not so much in Australia, is that after 2diamonds multi we use
4clubs = partner please bid one under your major (i.e. bid 4diamonds with hearts and 4hearts with spades)
4diamonds = partner, please bid your major
4hearts/4spades = natural, this is my suit.

This agreement helps to right-side the contract when relevant and also addresses the issue of responder having their own self-sufficient major suit.

Enjoy bridging
Sartaj Hans

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