What should I bid? - Best enquiry for January 2009

The best submission for January came from Michael Rosenman.

 Hand:   Vulnerable vs Non-Vulnerable with North the dealer, you hold as South:

spades AQJ10
hearts 63
diamonds -
clubs A1086542
Bidding: West North East South
     1diamonds  Pass  2clubs
   2hearts  double  Pass  2spades
 Pass   4spades  Pass  ?

Comments:    We play a fairly standard system with a short club, 4 cards in diamonds and 15-17 NT.

How can I find out if North has at most a singleton in hearts and support in clubs? I thought it too hard and passed. East led a small club and North turned up with

spades K843
hearts 4
diamonds AK9743
clubs KJ

making 7 even on a heart lead 6 is always there.

Is the fault the jump to 4spades by North which cuts bidding space? If I bid 5clubs I would get 5diamonds (which I suspected) and that wouldn't tell me much so I would go to 5spades. Should North then go on to 6spades?

Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Michael,

The issue of the heart control can be solved by a 5spades bid (over 4spades). Instead of showing our controls (as a 5clubs cue-bid would do), it is an asking bid and shows xx or worse in their suit.

Partner's responses are:

5NT = Kx
6 of their suit = Ace or void
6 of our suit = singleton
Pass = xx or worse

Some partnerships play that 6 of a new suit = Ace or void their suit plus A/K in this suit.

This raise to the 5-level is a handy-control ask in auctions where they have been bidding a suit and we appear to have slam-worthy values.

In the recent NOT, Tony and I bid a hand similarly

(3diamonds) 4hearts (P) 5hearts
(P)    P

I held something like


and Tony something like


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