What should I bid? - Best enquiry for January 2013
The best submission for January came from Richard Harman.
Hand: I am East, Dealer is
South, EW Vul, Swiss Pairs event:
3 |
Pass |
? |
Comments: What do I bid? We don't have any
fancy tools, except that any suit bid by me is forcing.
Andy's Reply:
Hi Richard,
Nasty problem. I will try 3 and see if partner is able to support me. If partner rebids 4 then I will give up and pass. If partner rebids 3NT I will
either bid 4 or 4 depending on the agreements (if any) on what the 3NT bid
means, or even what a 3 rebid by partner might've been! The 3 bid could be all sorts of meanings ranging from natural-ish
such as a 4 card spade suit or maybe 3 spades, or maybe it could mean "choice
of games" unsure about which strain to play in (I think I prefer the latter).
Alternatively, you could try bidding 3 and follow it up with 4 , but I wouldn't feel great if partner 'corrects' my 4 to 4 with 2-2 in the majors - but it's certainly not an
unreasonable action. In fact, given our club shortage (making it likely that
partner might have 2-1-7-3) I wouldn't be surprised if passing 3 was the right action! But I don't think I can pass since it is
a Swiss Pairs (assuming IMPs) as I would not want to miss out a potential major
game if there is one.
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