What should I bid? - Best enquiry for July 2009

The best submission for July came from Tony Treloar.

 Hand:   North is the dealer at Nil vulnerable, playing pairs. My hand (South) was:

spades 5
hearts Q72
diamonds QJ10984
clubs Q65
Bidding: West North East South
     1clubs  Pass  1diamonds
   1spades  Pass  2spades  ?

Comments:    We play standard. Partner's pass says he doesn't like 1NT for some reason. The bidding marks him with spade length which might make it difficult for him to balance. Does 3diamonds here suggest extras or just competitive? I think the 6 card suit and spade shortage makes bidding mandatory at the colours, as long as it doesn't make partner bid again. What are your thoughts?

Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Tony,

Nil vul at pairs is a vulnerability that highly rewards being declarer.

I'd go for 3diamonds. This should be a non-forcing,competitive type manoeuvre. All forcing hands start with a double (That is the agreement I have with Tony Nunn)


Hi Sartaj

In this sequence is it sensible to play 2NT as Lebensohl? Now I can bid 3diamonds non-forcing. Is a natural 2NT too much to give up when the spades have been overcalled and raised?



Hi Tony,

It's quite reasonable to play 2NT there as an artificial manoeuvre. In fact, I think Ron Klinger plays that treatment in his recent partnerships. Giving up on natural 2NT is no big deal as long as the partnership can make better use of the bid in other competitive domains.


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