What should I bid? - Best enquiry for July 2012

The best submission for July came from Maura Rhodes.

Hand:    NS Vulnerable with West the dealer, playing IMPs, I was North.

spades AK6
hearts K108
diamonds A
clubs AJ10842
Bidding: West  North East South
Pass ?

Comments:      We play 2/1 with 2clubs being GF unless 23-24 balanced. With North's hand, do you open 1clubs and if so, what do you plan to rebid over partner's 1M response? 3clubs can be passed, so that is not an option, but I can't see a sensible forcing rebid.

Andy's Reply:

You have encountered one of the most common problems faced in a natural based system. It is quite impossible to solve this problem unless you have some sort of gadget (or agreements) up your sleeves. Let's start off with the easier part.

1) I would open 1clubs. My hand is nowhere near a GF, nor is it balanced so the best way to describe our hand is with a 1clubs opening. It's true that we will encounter a nasty problem if partner responds 1M, but who says partner will always do that? Maybe your LHO will overcall 1hearts and partner is able to bid 1spades showing 5+spades or something. You should not go out of your way of distorting your opening bid to cater for your rebid when you have another sensible bid available.

2) If partner responds 1spades, I will reverse with 2hearts. Yes, I know this should promise 4 but my plan is to make a delayed spade raise. What if partner raises hearts? Great! That means partner will have 5spades because if partner has 44 in the majors they would respond 1hearts, not 1spades.

3) If partner responds 1hearts then this is very tricky. One alternative is to make a fake jumpshift with 2spades (supposedly natural and game-forcing) planning to make a delayed heart raise (showing 3 card hearts support) with a 3hearts bid but partner will need to be in on the gag for otherwise lying about a 4th major suit card is quite critical. If jumpshifting with 2spades is not an option, then I really don't know what to do! One alternative is to give up the 3diamonds rebid (I assume this bid means 4 card hearts support with diamond shortage) and use this bid to show 6+clubs, 3hearts and GF. You don't give up too much since if you have a hand with 4 card hearts support + diamond shortage you can just invite with a 3hearts rebid.

I hope this is somewhat helpful.


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