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What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for June 2007 Brian Thorp made the best submission for the month of June. Hand: You are dealer at East with favourable vulnerability, holding: -
Comments: We were playing teams at the VCC with good teammates and opponents. Our system is Acol with 12-14 NT. We play Lebensohl. 2 was alerted as less than 15 HCP with 5+ and 4+ in a minor. What call do you recommend on the East hand? Would you give the same answer at matchpoints? Peter's Reply: Hi Brian, With East holding 10 HCP in a flat hand there can be no real prospect of game for E-W opposite a weak 1NT opening. Additionally, with some length in at least one of the opponents' suits, the prospect of competing successfully is not high. Playing IMP scoring methods, I think Pass is clear for East. However,
given West's hand, I think East-West should win this part score battle.
West's hand is suitable for re-opening with a takeout double and
thereafter East's 2 bid will probably finish the auction.
Playing for Matchpoints, the part-score situation is more urgent and I
would probably double with the East cards, not that I think it is much of
a bid. Incidentally, I notice the datum on the board was -140, so the field at the better performing teams' tables did manage to compete effectively at East-West. Regards |