What should I bid? - Best enquiry for June 2009

The best submission for June came from Nick Beaumont.

Dear Sartaj,

An issue that does not seem to be much discussed is the use of low level cue bids, especially when there is a choice of cues. Having two cues available presumably enables more information to be conveyed. There being myriad possible sequences: here is one.

For once, 1clubs and 1diamonds are natural.

West North East South
   1clubs Pass  1diamonds   Pass
   1NT Pass Pass    X
 Pass 2clubs/diamonds?

I have heard three interpretations:

1. 2clubs (over) is to play: North has something like XX, XX, XX, KJTXXXX or a bit better. 2diamonds (under) shows equal length in the majors, probably 4-4.

2. 2clubs and 2diamonds both show equal length in the majors but respectively better Hearts and better Spades.

3. 2clubs and 2diamonds both show equal length in the majors but respectively weak (say 0-8) and 9+ HCP hands.

There are quite a few sequences in which experts at least offer to play in a suit first bid by the opponents but most average players at least would not have discussed sequences such as:

West North East South
   1hearts Pass Pass  1spades
   Pass 2hearts?    

I think that some people would reckon that two hearts was to play (KQJxxx or the like), perhaps most that it showed good support for spades. Sorry, this grew to become two questions.


Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Nick,

The principle that we play in my partnership is two way

1) The impossible bid is a cue-raise.
For example (1clubs) P (1hearts) 1spades ; (P) now 2hearts is the cue-raise since we cannot have hearts for the pass over 1clubs. 2clubs becomes natural here.

2) Bidding Responder's suit by fourth hand is natural.
For example (1clubs) P (1hearts) 2hearts is natural; for us it would be natural even if second hand overcalled 1diamonds.

On the second question, (1hearts) P (P) 1spades; (P) we would play 2hearts as a cue-raise because there is no other cue-raise available.


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