What should I bid? - Best enquiry for June 2012

The best submission for June came from Max Henbest.

Hand:    Vulnerable against Not Vulnerable, Teams, IMPs 

spades 8765432
hearts 82
diamonds -
clubs KQ74
Bidding: RHO Me LHO Partner
1hearts Pass 2spades1 X2
4hearts ??

1 Mini or mega splinter
2 Take out of hearts

Comments:      What do you bid directly and how are you planning to bid if left hand opponent pushes on? What if partner pushes on?
If you can, do you bid 6clubs at some stage?
Also, do you or do you not pass over 1hearts?

Andy's Reply:

Hey Maxy!,

What do you bid directly and how are you planning to bid if left hand opponent pushes on?

I would now bid 4spades. If either of the opponents pushes on I will compete to 5spades. This could potentialy be a double game swing so there is no chance that I am selling out to 5hearts.

What if partner pushes on?

I highly doubt that partner will push on, but if they do then I'm certainly not ashamed about my hand. I have a 7-4 along with a void and I was under pressure with the 4hearts bid, so I'm not exactly promising the world with my 4spades bid.

If you can, do you bid 6clubs at some stage?

Interesting question and it probably depends how you overcall at the 1 level (e.g. what kind of hand have I denied for not overcalling 1spades?). Ideally partner will have a shape of something like 41xx or 31xx with their takeout double but I guess it's entirely possible that partner might have a strong 2254 or something like that but that is something I don't agree with. If I held such a hand the last thing I want to be doing is to double and to hear partner compete with 4spades. So if partner is going to force to slam, say for example partner bids 5NT pick a slam, I will bid 6spades and not bother with the clubs. Typical shapes for partner to be "picking a slam" would be 31(54) type hands where from their point of view 6m could be a much better fit, but given that I have seven of those spades I am definitely going to play in spades. If partner bids 5m over our 4spades then no doubt that would show a strong single suited hand with that minor but even so if that was 5diamonds I would still be inclined to correct that to 5spades.

If you meant "If an opponent bids 5hearts over your 4spades, will you compete with 6clubs?" then the answer is no.

Also, do you or do you not pass over 1hearts?

No I would not pass over 1 hearts- by all means this is not the "right answer" as it is dependent upon your partnership overcalling philosophy. My 1-level overcalling philosophy is that it can be pretty weak but not crazy. Although this hand is on the borderline of crazy (7-small and unfavourable) I cannot fathom passing 1hearts with a 7-4 especially when my long suit is in spades. Usually when I don't have the requisite HCP for a 1-level overcall, I would have some wild shape to compensate for that fact. I personally think this is a winning bridge style (get in early, get out early) but I don't exactly have enough proof to back up my claim as it usually just comes with experience :-)

You might find this interesting, albeit it is a bit meaningless. A few years ago an Italian Star player Bocchi was in 1st seat and nil vul holding
spadesT98532 heartsKJ diamonds952 clubsQ5. He passed, his LHO opened 1clubs, his partner passed, his RHO (me) bid 1hearts and he came in with a 1spades overcall. Obviously both hands are different in their own nature, but the philosophy appears to be the same, if not, similar.

Max Henbest:

Thanks for your help again Andy, it was really insightful. I do like the idea of a 1-level overcall!

One last question:

RHO Me LHO Partner
1hearts P 2spades X
4hearts 4spades 4NT* Pass
5spades 6spades 7hearts Pass
Pass ???


Do you now sacrifice?


I'm still not exactly proud about the 1spades overcall at Vul vs Not Vul, but it's just something I think I "must" do. Of course partner will need to know about our overcalling philosophy or else they might just get too excited (e.g. bidding too high, or end up doubling the opponents etc).

Anyway back to your further auction:

Firstly, I'm not sure if I would bid 6spades. It's not exactly clear if I want to sacrifice because after all partner should have some sort of an opening hand to be doubling 2spades (I.e. all we need is for partner to have clubsA or heartsA in order to give us a diamond ruff - failing that our clubs and partner's diamonds might be good enough to beat the contract outright). I would probably have preferred to double 5spades to suggest to partner that I want to dive - the worst part of our hand isn't the seven small spades but in fact it's our doubleton heart (singleton or tripleton would make it more attractive).

Having said that, it should be clear that when our LHO bids 7hearts then I am definitely not taking the sacrifice. We've already told partner that we were inclined to save with our 6spades bid so partner was free to bid 7spades over that. Not finding a perfect sacrifice is not the end of the world (the other table could also be in the same making 7hearts) but taking a phantom sacrifice is really like the end of the world!


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