About the ABF
What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for March 2004 The winner for the month of March was Alan Smith.
And Peter’s Response: Hi Alan, As usual we have several choices, ranging from modestly conservative through to wildly aggressive. While we might end up elsewhere, I think we need to say spades at this juncture. So we have the choice of 2S which is a trifle wimpy, 4S, could be right but is quite unilateral and 3S which is a tad under the trick-taking potential of the hand but neither unilateral nor silly. I plump for 3S. We might miss game, but partner needs to take into account that you neither passed nor merely rebid 2S. Therefore this is highly encouraging. Partner should bid game in spades with any reasonable excuse or game in NTs with a maximum and appropriate club and heart cards.
Regards, The full deal was: