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What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for March 2007 John Nicholas made the best submission for the month of March.. Hand: East was dealer and NS were vulnerable:
Comments: 2 was weak with 5 or more hearts and possibly a minor suit. How could we have bid the slam? Peter's Reply: Hi John, One way to look at situations like this is to look at the actions of each player and see whether they might have done things differently at each opportunity to act. If the examination suggests alternative actions, would that have led to a different outcome. Regarding North's actions: Regarding South's actions: To reach 6, either South enters via 3 and North simply bids it at some stage. This action would not be unreasonable but is, by no means, clear. Alternatively, South bids 6, instead of 5, in the given auction. This action also is not silly given the likely source of tricks, but once again is, by no means, clear. On balance, I don't think it unreasonable to reach only 5, missing the slam. If anyone has underbid it is South, but hardly significantly. .
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