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What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for November 2000

Hand: All Vul
Dealer East

ª x
© xxxx
¨ AKxx
§ KJxx

Bidding: N E S W
- P P 1C
  2S X XX 3C


P ? - -

Comments: As East I didn't open the 4441. My only choice would have been an "off shape" Acol 1NT which I did not want to make at this vulnerability.
North's 2S was weak and South's XX showed a doubleton honour in Spades. North's explanation was that North could pass, but essentially the XX showed the Spade holding and little was known about the rest of the hand. I know that partner has a 4-card Spade suit.
What would be the different inferences that I could make on this hand, primarily in relation to the strength of the hand, when partner has the option of passing or bidding?

And David's Response:
Hi Lynn,
I reckon that Pass is way ahead of 1NT as a choice of openings. 1NT is very likely to wrongside the contract if partner has the Spade Kx or Kxx.
If your partner had passed the redouble it would be a penalty pass situation. Over his/her 3C bid I would splinter with 4S. Partner may be e.g. xxxx,A,Qx,AQxxxx.
If partner is 5422 with a minimum hand and wastage in Spades he/she can sign off in 5C.
With a light 3rd seat opening this contract may still make- not my worry anyway-I'll be dummy.
All the best,
David Beauchamp.

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