What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for November 2005

The best submission for the month of November was made by Arie Meydan.

Hand: With North as dealer, neither side vulnerable, playing Matchpoints, South held the following:

spades J108
hearts AKJ7
clubs AQJ972
Bidding: West  North East South
   1diamonds P 2clubs
   4NT P 5spades
   6diamonds P ?

Comments: Playing Standard American with better minor, the 2clubs response is defined as a GF or a nearly GF hand. 4NT was RKCB, 5spades showing 2 keycards in clubs plus the club Queen. What should South bid?

And Peter's Response:

Hi Arie,

I know what I would do. Whether I ought, is moot.

I would Pass.

Partner ought to have a hand such as:

spades KQx
hearts X
diamonds AKQJxxxx
clubs X

Not that I would bid the hand in that fashion, but that is how many, many players would bid it.

Perhaps you might gently introduce partner to the idea that a jump re-bid of a suit, after a two-over-one response, is forcing. This way the partnership can explore the worth of a hand, agree a trump suit, and roll out Blackwood when it is known there are sufficient general values for slam.

Peter Fordham

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