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What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for October 2008 The best submission for October came from Ian Afflick. Hand 1: IMPS, All vulnerable, dealer West, I was East:
*ReDbl shows an honour in clubs Comments: I envisaged a good hand with at least 3-3 in the majors for the 3 bid (am I likely to have a club stop on this auction?) and feel that 3 would better describe his hand. 4 was not a success as trumps break 5-1 offside and in fact nothing makes (including 4) but this is not the issue. A few hands later: Hand 2: IMPS, All vulnerable, dealer West, I was East:
= weak Comments: 4 was not a success either. Should I pass in the first instance and, if necessary, back in with a takeout double over 3-P-P? What is my bid if I pass and partner reopens with a double over 2 or 3? If, over my double, LHO bids 3 and partner also doubles co-operatively should I bid 3 or 4? If I pass, LHO bids 3 and partner passes should I reopen with a double at teams or pairs? Should partner bounce to 4 on the given auction or bid 3NT (my choice) or cue 3? Nothing makes again except 3NT on a diamond lead only. Sartaj's Reply: Hi Ian, Let me start by saying 1 (2) and 1 (2) are nightmare auctions for any partnership. The reason is that there are two unbid majors and it is always hard to untangle one's best fit. Double is supposed to promise both majors but waiting for that perfect, both major hand can be a very long wait. Hand 1 Your start with a double sounds like a reasonable plan (2 is equally reasonable). Since we've already lost a lot of bidding space, partner's 3 cue-bid does not necessarily promise 3-3 in the majors. It shows a whole range of different hands. 4 over 3 seems like a fine bid to me. It shows the long,strong spades and partner has a clear pass. So, all in all, I have no solution to this auction on these sets of hands. I think partner's 3 bid is quite clear because opposite a club stopper (which a negative doubler can easily have) 3NT is likely to have lots of play: 7 diamonds ( via the finesse at worst), 2 hearts and a black stopper sounds like a lot of tricks. Admittedly on this hand, both choices don't work so well. Hand 2 I like the double as we have shortage in their suit. Like you point out, we don't live in a perfect world. Partner needs to be a bit sympathetic to this given auction and provide some flexibility by jumping to 3 only. After all, that shows a good hand. If, over your double, LHO bids 3 and partner doubles I would be happy with 3 (or even 4), jumping in a suit with only four cards doesn't sound like a good proposition. I would like to point out that in my regular partnership with Tony Nunn, we have had enough nightmares with such sort of hands that we now play after both these auctions that double is a general values bid over which 2NT rebid by opener is forcing, followed by stayman and transfers. So 1
X (P)
Sometimes we end up overbidding to games without many points but usually we play in the right strain. Tough questions!