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What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for September 2006 The best submission for the month of September was made by Arie Meydan. Hand: West was dealer at nil vulnerable. :
Comments: Playing teams against opponents who were playing Acol, what should South bid? Peter's Reply: Hi Arie, If fit showing jumps were part of my armoury I would bid 4. The bid will benefit the partnership in both the bidding and the play should we end up defending. It bypasses 3NT but this is most unlikely to be the right contract on the deal. If we don't have fit showing jumps available I'd be inclined to bid 3, whether or not it is forcing. The bidding is not likely to die there and, even if it happened to, it's improbable that we have missed a good game. This action should lay the right groundwork for the next round of bidding. I will probably get to bid 5 leaving partner to decide what to do if the opponents bid 5. Having seen the remainder of the hands, I have to say that I do not much care for partner's 2 bid. With values concentrated in diamonds and both hands unpassed, I think partner's hand qualifies for some form of pre-emptive effort. Despite having only six diamonds, I would rather bid 3, a weak jump overcall, with this powerful suit in an otherwise poor hand. I think the accuracy of description outweighs the penalty risk and leaves you much better placed to judge what to do later in the auction. Regards The full deal was:
Regards |