What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for September 2007

Sue Robinson made the best submission for the month of September.

Hand: I was first in hand, vulnerable against not vulnerable on the following deal:

spades 5
hearts 98732
diamonds Q6532
clubs 92
spades K109742
hearts A1064
diamonds 107
clubs J
  spades 83
hearts -
diamonds J9
clubs AKQ876543
  spades AQJ6
hearts KQJ5
diamonds AK84
clubs 10
Bidding: West  North East South
      5clubs  All pass 

Comments:    I opened the bidding with 5clubs. Everyone else passed. I rather suspect that my partner thought that my opening bid was rather aggressive. I would be interested in your opinion please. As it played I went down 1 for minus 100.

Peter's Reply:

Hi Sue,

5clubs looks to me to be straight out of the textbook. The alternative, if available in your bidding method, is 3NT. This bid, for some partnerships, shows a solid minor with nothing significant outside the suit. With a nine card suit, many experts would choose 5clubs anyway because of its removal of 4hearts/spades from the opponents' opportunities.

Note that 4hearts by the opponents cannot be defeated and 5hearts only fails because of the 4-0 heart break.

Peter Fordham

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