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What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for September 2009 Maura Rhodes made the best submission for the month of September. Hand: Dealer East, with NS vulnerable, playing teams I was North on the following deal:
Comments: The opponents were playing a weak NT and my double was for penalty, with all subsequent doubles penalty. The redouble was asking opener to bid a minor for rescue. My partner's 3 was game forcing and my 3NT response was to play. How should we bid those hands, please, Sartaj? 4 makes plus 1, 4 makes, but 3NT doesn't. 2 would have been off, but given that we were vulnerable, we wanted game. Sartaj's Reply: Maura, There is no clear solution to hands like this. They have made a couple of nuisance bids and untangling our best fit can get tricky. An area you guys could have done better in is if your partner judges that 3 is likely to lead to this horror scenario and chooses 3 instead (with the idea of raising spades to four but bidding 4 over anything else). It is a bit resultish though as you might have had a 3154 shape then. And I would give you the advice "Your partner should bid his six card suit and pass 3NT". Sartaj |