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2008 National Open Teams
PQP Awards
1st 72; 2nd 36; 3rd - 4th 18; 5th - 8th 9
Place Players
1Murray Green, Helen Horwitz, Andrew Peake, Peter Gill, Adam Zmudzinski, Cezary Balicki
2Ian Robinson, Arjuna De Livera, Joachim Haffer, Justin Williams, Ian Thomson, Richard Brightling
3-4Nigel Rosendorff, Andrew Braithwaite, Bill Haughie, Matthew Mullamphy, David Lilley, Ron Klinger
3-4Jessel Rothfield, Seamus Browne, Ishmael Del'Monte, Paul Gosney, John Wignall, B Scott
5-8Andy Hung, Nabil Edgtton, Edward Barnes, Nye Griffiths, Matthew Porter, Michael Whibley
5-8Philip Markey, Nick Fahrer, Andrew Mill, Barry Goren, David Appleton, Peter Reynolds
5-8Bill Jacobs, Ben Thompson, Karen McCallum, Christine Boylson, Andrew Markovics
5-8Paul Marston, Stephen Burgess, Tony Nunn, John Lester, Sartaj Hans, Gabi Lorentz
Ineligible: Adam Zmudzinski, Cezary Balicki
Ineligible: Helen Horwitz, Peter Gill (did not play in the Round of 12)
Ineligible: John Wignall, B Scott
ABF Number Player NameUnitPQPs
244538 Murray Greena72
291269 Andrew Peakea72
6718 Richard Brightlingb36
94625 Joachim Hafferb36
148911 Ian Thomsonb36
160008 Ian Robinsonb36
196134 Arjuna De Liverab36
445002 Justin Williamsb36
33642 Ron Klingerc18
95745 Matthew Mullamphyc18
121541 Nigel Rosendorffc18
158542 David Lilleyc18
251739 Bill Haughiec18
402974 Andrew Braithwaitec18
7455 Seamus Browned18
146080 Jessel Rothfieldd18
386431 Ishmael Del'Monted18
600393 Paul Gosneyd18
325041 Nye Griffithse9
533963 Matthew Portere9
564710 Edward Barnese9
598933 Nabil Edgttone9
615285 Andy Hunge9
117714 David Appletonf9
143111 Andrew Millf9
176109 Peter Reynoldsf9
273848 Nick Fahrerf9
332471 Philip Markeyf9
39039 Andrew Markovicsg9
139221 Bill Jacobsg9
239224 Ben Thompsong9
416436 Christine Boylsong9
35815 John Lesterh9
36951 Gabi Lorentzh9
71773 Paul Marstonh9
71781 Stephen Burgessh9
330167 Tony Nunnh9
561789 Sartaj Hansh9
