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Due to the requirements to hold the event during the Northern Summer holidays you will be visiting Sydney in winter. The good news is that Sydney’s weather in August is not too bad ranging from 8 to 18 Celsius or 47 to 65 Fahrenheit.
 066062    SYDNEY (OBSERVATORY HILL)               Commenced: 1858    Last record: 2004                                
JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC     ANN   No.%age  Yrs comp 
Mean Daily Max Temp (deg C)                                                                                     
    25.8   25.7   24.7   22.4   19.3   16.9   16.2   17.7   19.9   22.0   23.6   25.1    21.6  145.5    100            
Mean Daily Min Temp (deg C)                                                                                     
    18.6   18.7   17.5   14.7   11.5    9.2    8.0    8.9   11.0   13.5   15.5   17.5    13.7  145.5    100            
Mean 9am Air Temp (deg C)                                                                                       
    22.6   22.4   21.0   17.8   14.0   11.4   10.4   12.0   15.3   18.3   20.2   21.9    17.3  145.5    100            
Mean 3pm Air Temp (deg C)                                                                                       
    24.1   24.1   23.2   21.0   18.3   16.0   15.4   16.5   18.3   20.1   21.5   23.2    20.1  145.4    100            
Mean Rainfall (mm)                                                                                              
   103.3  117.4  131.2  127.2  123.3  128.1   98.1   81.5   68.7   76.9   83.1   78.1  1217.0  146.0    100            
Mean no. of Raindays                                                                                            
    12.1   12.3   13.3   12.0   12.0   11.4   10.3    9.9   10.3   11.5   11.4   11.5   138.0  146.0    100            
Mean no. of Clear Days                                                                                          
     6.7    5.3    6.9    8.9    9.1    9.3   11.8   13.3   10.8    7.9    5.9    6.5   102.4   49.4    100            
Mean no. of Cloudy Days                                                                                         
    13.6   13.2   13.0   10.8   11.0   10.8    8.6    7.9    8.7   11.4   12.4   12.9   134.4   49.4    100            
Mean Daily Sunshine (hrs)                                                                                       
     7.2    6.7    6.4    6.3    5.9    5.4    6.3    7.0    7.2    7.3    7.7    7.6     6.8   61.3    100            
World Bridge Federation Australian Bridge Federation