• eBulletins

Vale Eilis

Posted by Keith McDonald on Tuesday, 15 July 2014 at 11:57

EilismagnerIt is with the deepest regret that I report the unexpected and sudden passing of Eilis Magner. Professor Magner had been General Counsel of the ABF for over 16 years and a wonderful friend for even longer. Eilis was always available to assist, and with her busy academic life this was not without personal stress. Eilis had academic qualifications – BA ( Ott),BEd ( Tor), LLB ( ANU ), LLM (NSW ), SJD ( Tor). She was Head of the Department of Law for many years at the University of New England and a former Chair of the Academic Board.

She was visiting Singapore with her husband Don Clilverd and suffered a heart attack last week.

Eilis was planning that in retirement she and Don would catch up on visiting friends. She is a great loss to Australian Bridge.

Keith McDonald
President Emeritus