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14th World Bridge Games

Captain's Log, Stardate 120812-3

Game over?

While I thought my job was to try and remain positive and encouraging (Paul seems to think I am too optimistic which leads to disappointment) we have now reached a position where I'm finding it hard to construct a scenario where we qualify for the knockout stages. It was a poor day for all three Australian teams - the Women were certainly hoping for more from their day, although they remain in a qualifying position - we started with a 12-18 against Turkey (David & Zol, Robert & Paul), followed by a 6-24 against Japan (David & Zol, Terry & Avi) and finished with a 19.5-9.5 (slow play penalty) against Latvia (Terry & Avi, Robert & Paul). If we had played all the strong teams then I would think we were still a chance but with Monaco, Israel and China still to come I think it is highly unlikely that we will manage the 23 average we need.

There were still some triumphs - I particularly enjoyed this hand ...

Board 11. Dealer South. None Vulnerable.
spades 7
hearts Q T 8 7 3 2
diamonds K T 9 3
clubs T 9
spades A 9 2
hearts A J 6 4
diamonds 5 2
clubs A J 6 5
Bridge deal spades K J 4 3
hearts -
diamonds A J 7 6
clubs Q 8 7 3 2
spades Q T 8 6 5
hearts K 9 5
diamonds Q 8 4
clubs K 4

Declaring 5C from the West seat on the S7 lead, Avi played low-ten-Ace, HA, heart ruff, club finesse. Now the spades could be established for discards - twelve tricks. At the other table Robert doubled 5C - this caused declarer to lead the CQ on the first round and when he observed the C9 on his left he crossed to dummy and finessed against the C10 - down one and 11 imps to us - bridge is a funny game.

Tomorrow we play Botswana, Greece and Monaco. At the start of the week Terry told me that he and Avi were particularly good at beating up the bunnies such as Monaco (Terry was genuinely unaware that Zimmermann has sponsored Helgemo-Helness, Fantoni-Nunes to move to Monaco) - I'm hoping he succeeds in his boast tomorrow evening.

Michael Wilkinson
