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14th World Bridge Games

Captain's Log, Final

Both the Womens and the Seniors teams lost their Round of Sixteen matches to Sweden yesterday - both teams won sets but had two very poor sets (first two for the Women, first and last for the Seniors) which meant that neither final scoreline was particularly close. Apparently this is the first time an Australian Womens team has made the knockout stages at a World Championship - and given that all three pairs are relatively new, there is potential for them to improve.

There are three Australian teams entered in the Transnational Mixed, a fifteen round swiss event followed by QF, SF, Final, which starts today - Brown, Reynolds and Sydney (my team).

Yesterday I went to the Citadel of Lille, which is on the other side of town. While the citadel itself wasn't open to the public (its an active military base), the surrounding area of canals, parks and a zoo was very pleasant to stroll around. I'm still hoping to return to Belgium for a day before leaving Lille at the end of next week to head for the Gro Cup in Germany (which I'm playing with Tony Nunn).

Fiona Brown is still in the Womens event (on the English ladies team) - they play Sweden in the Quarter-Finals.

Michael Wilkinson
