Page 17 - ABF Newsletter December 2024
P. 17

pass 2NT GF raise 3{ ?
What are the different meanings for any actions, es- pecially (a) Pass, (b) 3], and (c) 4] (obviously still the weakest bid).
Talk with partner and discuss what the other ac- tions mean after interference (not just 3{, imagine a four-level intervene too).
One of the things I love about this game is that dif- ferent scenarios arise, even having played the game for 50+ years:
pass pass 1[ pass 1] pass pass 1NT all pass
Sitting East, I had opened with 11 HCP in fourth seat. Dummy produced 7 HCP. So, at trick 1, I ex- pected that both South and West held 11 HCP each. It’s always interesting to place the values around the table so precisely, though I didn’t know the exact points held by each player. Of course, everyone else at the table thought I was nuts, but I found this a classic ‘Trick 1 Thinking’ situation.
How would you play this hand in 4[, West, on a small club lead?
]82 ]AJ95
[ J 10 8 6 5 3 [ A Q 4 }J6 }AQ943 {A83 {9
Firstly, you probably need dummy’s trumps for ruff- ing clubs.
Secondly, entries to your hand – West – are very lim- ited; in fact, the {A has been removed by the open- ing lead. It’s important to use your entries to best advantage, i.e. lead the }J at trick 2 and take your di- amond finesse, to establish discards for your losing spades.
If you take the diamond finesse, and time the hand perfectly, you can make 12 tricks, rather than just 10 tricks. Since you job as declarer, especially at match- point pairs, is to take as many tricks as possible, it’s important to develop a sound plan for the play.
] K Q 10 3 [9 }K752 { Q 10 7 4
]82 ]AJ95
[ J 10 8 6 5 3 [ A Q 4 }J6 }AQ943 {A83 {9
]764 [K72
} 10 8 {KJ652
Actually, After the auction, where East bid diamonds, then spades, then raised hearts to game, I’d lead a trump from North. East should hold a 4-3-5-1 so you want to minimise dummy’s ability to trump clubs!
And I would hope people would, otherwise, lead the ]K, though it is not recommended on such an auc- tion.
You win the {A at trick 1. What is your plan?
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   Junior Suite on the Beach
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Host: Gary Brown
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For a full colour brochure email: Call Gary:  0418 570 430 Australian Bridge Federation Ltd. Newsletter: December 2024
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