Page 13 - ABF Newsletter February 2025
P. 13
mond and West ruffed. The defence then cashed the }A, {K and continued another spade, declarer again discarding a diamond and West again ruffing. West cashed the [A, East claimed the [K and they wrote down +1400.
By ruffing twice, West shortened his trumps to fewer cards than partner, allowing the defence to score that extra trick – a defensive dummy reversal.
Picked it like a nose
Matthew Sieredzinski and Heath Watkins won the Butler from the Australian Junior Selection. I feel it fitting to finish this bulletin with a hand where Heath made a doubled contract in the event:
Board 13. Dealer West. Both sides vulnerable.
[ K 10 8 4 }K76
{ A 10 4
]9 ]KJ43 [QJ7 [A653 }AQ4 }983 {QJ8765 {K2
] A Q 10 8 5 [92
} J 10 5 2 {93
WEST NORTH EAST 1{ pass 1[ pass 3] dbl
all pass
Australian Youth Team members Heath Watkins and Matthew Sieredzinski
West led the [Q, which went to the [K and [A. East switched to the }9, which went to the }J and }A. West switched to the {Q, taken by the {A.
Heath now had a choice of play in trumps, but he chose the correct one. He played a spade to the ]10, dropping the nine! The [9 was taken by West, who played a club to the {K. East got off lead with the }8, which went to the }10, }Q and }K. This set up a big card beer card in dummy (though it would be put to use prior to trick 13).
Heath now called for a low spade, intending to run it. East was awake and covered with the ]J, so Heath took the ]Q. He now played a diamond to the }7 (a critical entry). When everyone followed suit he claimed the rest of the tricks with the marked spade finesse and the good }5 in hand.
Nine tricks made for +730.
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Australian Bridge Federation Ltd. Newsletter: February 2025
Page: 13