Page 7 - ABF Newsletter February 2025
P. 7
]2 [KJ96 }AK86 { A 10 6 4
Semi-final: Emul vs Dalley.
] A Q 10 8 7 6 5 2 [ A Q 10 8 4
WEST NORTH Dyke Hughes
pass 1NT
A Dalley
pass all pass
{ 10 7
[5 }J8653 {98643
WEST NORTH Beauchamp Milne
3[ 4{ 5[ pass all pass
1. Spades and a minor.
EAST SOUTH Ashton Coutts
2] 1 dbl 4[ 5{ pass 6{
WEST NORTH EAST Harrison Hans Hung
1{ 4] pass 4NT 5[
SOUTH Smirnov
pass all pass
National Open Teams
Brad Coles
Here is a selection of some notable deals from the National Open Teams, beginning with this deceptive partscore:
Board 50. Dealer East. North-South vulnerable.
]9754 [— }QJ32 {QJ832
] A K 8
[ A Q 8 5 4 3
} 10 9 5 4
{— {K975
It’s an array of scores that you won’t often see on one board: one North-South pair failing in 1NT, another doubling 4[, and another taking a six-level sacrifice over 5[. The fourth pair was in 5{; a very reasonable contract if you look at just the North-South cards, but it still had to go two off.
Here’s an even wilder board, although every table produced a similar auction (despite each of the four East players choosing a different first move):
Board 37. Dealer North. North-South vulnerable.
} A Q 10 9 4 {AKQJ52
}K72 }—
A couple of pairs in the NOT were playing four-card majors, and this pair was also playing that a 1[ opening denies four spades. Therefore, North had no reason to bid his spades, and they settled in 1NT. This was not their best contract (2{ or 2} would have been better) and it went one off for -100.
At the other table, with South opening a more tra- ditional 1}, East-West had the heart suit to them- selves. Sadly, they got too high, going one down in 4[ doubled, so the Emul team were -100 at both tables for a 5-imp loss.
The real action came from the other match:
Semi-final: Ashton vs Yoshka.
Semi-final: Ashton vs Yoshka.
This auction was a battle between hearts EW and clubs NS, ending at the six-level. This is particularly ironic because East was the first to bid clubs (the un- known minor in the 2] opening) and South was the first to show hearts (with the takeout double of 2]).
In the other match:
Semi-final: Emul vs Dalley.
] Q J 10 6 3 [ 10 7 2
} 7
WEST NORTH EAST Beauchamp Milne Ashton
1{ 1] 2[ 4} 7[
pass all pass
Ashton produced the only successful auction, after getting off to a great start. After hearing an unsolic- ited 2[ bid from partner, the 7[ rebid was the least she could have done.
Andy Hung had the toughest rebid decision:
After chewing up so much space with the 4] bid, there wasn’t any room left for either partner to make an informed decision.
WEST NORTH Clifford P Dalley
4[ 4NT minors
2{ majors
pass all pass
Australian Bridge Federation Ltd. Newsletter: February 2025
Page: 7