Page 27 - ABF Newsletter October 2024
P. 27

following auctions the limit bid has its point count shown.
1. 1NT (12-14).
2. 1[ - 3[ (10-12)
3. 1{ - 1[ - 2NT (17-18) 4. 1[ - 1] - 2{ - 2[ (6-9)
A limit bid is non-forcing, but it doesn’t necessarily limit or end the bidding. It simply means that the points and shape of the hand are within defined limits.
A bid of a new suit is forcing (usually) so the limit bid must ‘arrive’ when you run out of suits. As it is quite rare to bid all four suits, this means a limit bid occurs in the first four bids most of the time.
In the Limit Bidding Chart shown, the limit bids are in square boxes and unlimited bids are in ellipses. Most of the point ranges are repeated, so you don’t need to remember too much. It’s all based on logic and you are simply bidding what you think you can make based on partner’s minimum. All point ranges in the chart include points for distribution, if appro- priate, and each limit bid must have suitable shape.
The chart takes you to the limit bid – the bidding may not end there but further bidding is done ‘off the chart’. The partner of the limit bidder becomes the captain and takes charge of the bidding. The captain simply adds the points in his hand to the range promised by the limit bid and arrives at the total point range. He then decides if the hand be- longs in partscore, game or slam zone. He has three basic ‘traffic light’ commands, as shown, but there is only one limit bid in the auction.
You’ll notice from the chart, that after a jump shift, a reverse bid, and the fourth suit forcing bid, you leave the chart without reaching a limit bid. These areas have sub-systems of their own which are taught separately.
 Please pass
  Pass (ends the bidding) Game bid or slam bid Return to previous suit at lowest level
Weak takeout after 1NT
 Are you max or min?
  Raise limit bid below game Bid of 2NT
Jump bid in previous suit 4NT after NT (slam invite)
  Tell me more
   A new suit seeking more information. Usually means game is possible.
 No. Opener Responder Opener
1 1[ 1] 2[13-15
3{ 10-12 4} 13-15
The structure of the Acol system is based on the rule that a new suit is forcing and bids of previous suits and notrump bids are not forcing. You can have ex- ceptions to these rules as long as you agree them with partner. Limit bids don’t just show points; there are shape rules too, but these are straightforward. Most mistakes are made with errors in the point range – so learn this chart no matter how long it takes you. It will be well worth the effort. Believe me, a good grasp of limit bids and captaincy will profit you more than all your conventions put together.
Study the seven auctions shown. Each has a limit bid and captain’s command. These are the key bids in the auction – if you get these two bids correct every- thing else falls into place. Note all bids after the limit bid are not on the chart. If you would like a free PDF and/or Word copy of my charts and lesson notes, please email
I am sure most bridge teachers will agree with most of the figures on my chart, but the Word copy can be edited if you want to change any of the point ranges.
Previously published in Mr Bridge, UK
        3{ force
   2NT invite
    2NT 17-18
3} signoff
    2] 6-9
3] invite
   3} force
   2NT invite
   4] signoff
   2 1]
3 1{
4 1[
5 1]
6 1}
7 1[
1NT 6-9
2} 13-15
       Australian Bridge Federation Ltd. Newsletter: October 2024
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