How to find a Partner
Do you want to play in the event but can't find a partner or team mates? If this is your situation then our Partnership Request System may be able to help.
There are two ways you can look for a partner/team mate.
- Preferably, submit a Partner Request Form for the event you wish to enter. Your request will be automatically displayed. Entering a password will allow you to delete your request when it is no longer required. You may elect to hide your details in which case players cannot contact you directly and will require the assistance of the coordinator.
- Alternatively, contact the coordinator ✉ Matthew McManus .
Partner Request Form
Find a PartnerCurrent Partner Requests
The partnership coordinator is ✉ Matthew McManus .
If the Player Details have been withheld contact the coordinator otherwise contact the players directly by phone or by clicking on the player's name to email them.
No Current Partner Requests found.