Playoffs for Selection of Australian Representative Teams
2013 Playoffs PQP Team CalculatorPQP Player Report Utility - displays details of all of the events for which you received PQPs in 2012. Players are requested to check their PQP allocations carefully and report any problems to . 2013 Open and Women's PlayoffsDates: Saturday to Thursday, December 8-13, 2012 Tournament Organiser: Sean Mullamphy Venue : Coogee Bay Hotel Youth PlayersAny player who is eligible to be a member of the ABF Youth Club in any year (even if he/she is not) is entitled to a 50% reduction in the fees payable to enter any stage of the Open/Women Playoffs.
2013 Seniors' PlayoffDates: Wednesday to Sunday, February 13-17, 2013 Tournament Organiser: Sean Mullamphy Venue : Souths on Chalmers, 265 Chalmers Street, Redfern
2014 PlayoffsThe ABF is calling for comments on the timing of the 2014 Playoffs to select the Australian Open, Women's and Senior Teams.WBF Codes and RegulationsTeams entering the playoffs should be aware of the following codes and regulations which apply to players participating in WBF events.