• eBulletins

More Diamonds on Day 1

Posted by David Stern on Thursday, 22 October 2015 at 12:14

Each hand in this event is played 54 times (the number of teams entered). If it was played 21 times in a doubled contract MAKING has anybody done anything wrong. Let's have a look.

Here is a sensible auction on the hand above:

 West North  East  South 
 1♠ Double  3♠ or 4♠  5♣ 
 Pass 5
Pass  Pass     
 Double All Pass     
  1. The negative double of 1♠ depends on your style
  2. South could certainly consider bypassing the club suit and simply bidding 5 but either way nobody has done anything extraordinary.

You may have noticed that

  1. E/W can make 5♠; and
  2. a Heart ace lead by West will defeat 5

But clearly the field found this hand hard to handle

NS Score Freq
650 2
610 1
550 21
400 3
200 1
150 3
100 3
-50 3
-100 6
-150 1
-170 1
-200 1
-300 2
-650 3
-850 3

Glad I wasn't put to the test as I would have been writing -550 for sure!