• eBulletins

Well done Mr Hinge

Posted by Ron Klinger on Thursday, 22 October 2015 at 21:32

Simon Hinge of Melbourne found a nice play on this deal from Round 4 : Board 18 of the Spring National Open Teams:

(Hand rotated for convenience)

The bidding went






--- --- --- 1
Pass 1 2 3
Pass 41 Pass 42
Pass 5 All pass  

(1) Range and key card ask

(2) Minimum, no slam interest


West led the 10. East won and played another top heart. South ruffed and crossed to the A. When the K dropped, the trump position was clear. Declarer continued with a heart ruff, A, K, club to the ace, Q for a club discard and a club to the king. These cards remained:


South played the CQ, but the C10 finished West, whether he ruffed low or with an honour. Well done, Mr. Hinge.