Hand Records Full ResultsDatums
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Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8Round 9Round 10Round 11Round 12Round 14Round 15Round 16Round 17Round 18Round 19

Draw for Round 14


PairRound 13 ImpsVPSNet IMPSTotal VPSPlacing
Ashley Bach & Michael Whibley 5 16 133 272.5 1
Maxim Henbest & David Wiltshire-2 14 110 266.25 2
Ron Klinger & Matthew Mullamphy 31 24 57 261.5 3
Wayne Burrows & Pam Livingston 1 15 77 258.5 4
Avinash Kanetkar & Matthew Thomson-1 15 64 257.25 5
Peter Hollands & Justin Howard 15 19 53 252.5 6
Richard Jedrychowski & Bruce Neill-31 6 49 248 7
Ron & Rhys Cooper 27 23 53 247.5 8
Elizabeth Adams & David Beauchamp 26 23 18 246.75 9
Stephen Burgess & Brad Coles-28 7 11 238.5 10
Sophie Ashton & Michael Wilkinson 28 23 14 237.75 11
Pim Birss & Dave Munro-26 7 -10 231.25 12
Pauline Gumby & Warren Lazer-3 14 -39 228 13
Marjorie Askew & William Powell-10 12 -36 224.25 14
Peter Colmer & Andrew Eddie 3 16 -47 218.75 15
Judy Hocking & Kevin Lange 2 16 -65 216.75 16
Michael Courtney & Ross Harper-5 14 -65 215.5 17
Jane Dawson & Peter Gill 10 18 -81 213.25 18
Michael Prescott & Marlene Watts-27 7 -91 211 19
Keith Barrie & Tim O'Loughlin-15 11 -205 182 20