Past Playoffs

2012 Playoffs for Selection of Australian Representative Teams

General Information
updated March 6, 2012

The 2012 Australian Teams Playoffs will be in a teams format*. The Open and Women's Playoffs will be held March 31 - April 5, 2012 and the Seniors April 18-22, 2012.

Teams will enter based on PQPs earned in the events listed below. PQP awards for each of these events can be found in the PQP Awards Table. More details of the events can be found on the Events page.

The Open and Women's Playoffs will follow the two Division model used successfully for the Open in 2011 with the proviso that all players in Division 1 must have earned at least 1 PQP in that category (Open or Womens). 

All players are eligible for Division 2. The 4 highest PQP teams who are eligible will form Division 1. (Should there be less than 4 eligible teams then the 'category proviso' will be relaxed to allow 4 teams to qualify. If the total number of entries is 6 then the format will revert to that used for the Women and Seniors in 2011; if 4 then the format of Division 1 of the Open. Four or six member teams would be permitted in both Divisions with augmentation rules as set out for the Open in 2011. Teams of 4 or 6 may enter the playoffs. Teams will be allocated to each division.

Teams in both Division 1 and 2 will be ranked according to their total PQPs after any points not earned withing the unit of the Playoff entry have been halved. In the case of insufficient teams in Division 1, or a withdrawal from Division 1 prior to the playoffs, the team in Division 2 with the highest total PQPs will be offered promotion to Division 1.

The Seniors' Playoff is limited to a maximum of 6 teams and will follow the format used in 2011 except that there will be no wildcard team. All players must have earned at least 1 Senior PQP, except

players who were too young to enter some or all 2011 ABF events offering Seniors PQPs, but are old enough to enter the 2012 Seniors Playoffs, will be entitled to transfer their Open PQPs to Seniors PQPs and will be eligible to enter the Seniors' Playoff, provided they have 24 or more Open PQPs.

No Yellow systems or Brown Sticker conventions will be permitted in the Playoffs, mirroring WBF Regulations.

Target events for the 2012 playoffs will be the the World Bridge Games to be held in August 9-23 in Lille, France.

All persons participating in the target WBF events must comply with all of the WBF's codes and regulations. See links on the Playoffs page.

Notices from decisions of the ABF Management and Tournament Committees relating to the Playoffs will be posted here: Notices.

* The formats of the Open and Women's Playoffs will be dependent on the number of teams entering the playoff. A summary of the proposed formats is in the following document:

2012 Proposed Open and Women's Playoffs Formats

2012 Playoffs PQP Team Calculator

Open | Women's | Seniors

PQP Player Report Utility - displays details of all of the events for which you received PQPs in 2011.

PQP Events for 2012

1See Notices for changes to Seniors eligibility.

Open Women's Seniors1

2011 Open Last Train
Jan. 20-21, 2011

South West Pacific Teams
Jan. 24-28, 2011

National Open Teams
Jan. 28-31, 2011

Gold Coast Pairs
Feb. 26-28, 2011

Gold Coast Teams
Mar. 1-5, 2011

Australian Open Playoff
Mar 26-31, 2011

Autumn National Open Teams
Apr. 28 - May 2, 2011

Victor Champion Cup (VCC)
Jun. 9-13, 2011

ANC Teams
Jul. 24-29, 2011

ANC Open Butler Pairs
Jul. 30 - Aug. 4, 2011

Swan River Swiss Pairs
Aug. 13-14, 2011

NT Gold Swiss Pairs
Sep. 2-3, 2011

Australian Swiss Pairs
Sep. 24-25, 2011

Spring National Open Teams
Oct. 19--23, 2011

Dick Cummings Open Pairs
Oct. 22-23, 2011

Grand National Open Teams
Nov. 25-28, 2011

2012 Open Last Train
Jan. 19-20, 2012

2011 Womens Last Train
Jan. 17-18, 2011

National Womens Teams Swiss
Jan. 19-21, 2011

National Womens Teams Final
Jan. 22-23, 2011

Australian Women's Playoff
Mar. 26-29. 2011

Autumn National Womens Swiss Pairs
Apr. 28-29, 2011

VCC Womens Swiss Pairs
Jun. 9-10, 2011

ANC Womens Teams
Jul. 24-29, 2011

ANC Womens Butler Pairs
Jul. 30 - Aug. 4, 2011

Hans Rosendorff Womens Teams
Sep. 17-18, 2011

Spring National Womens Teams
Oct. 24-27, 2011

2012 Womens Last Train
Jan. 16-17, 2012

2011 Seniors Last Train
Jan. 17-18, 2011

National Seniors Teams Swiss
Jan. 19-21, 2011

National Seniors Teams Final
Jan. 22-23, 2011

Gold Coast Seniors Pairs
Feb. 26-28, 2011

Gold Coast Seniors Teams
Mar. 1-4, 2011

Australian Seniors Playoff
Apr. 6-10, 2011

Autumn National Seniors Swiss Pairs
Apr. 28-29, 2011

Western Senior Pairs
May 14-15, 2011

McCance Trophy Seniors Swiss Pairs
Jun. 9-10, 2011

ANC Senior Teams
Jul. 24-29, 2011

ANC Senior Butler Pairs
Aug. 1-4, 2011 

Roger Penny Seniors Swiss Pairs
Sep. 22-23, 2011

Bobby Evans Senior Teams
Oct. 24-27, 2011

2012 Seniors Last Train
Jan. 16-17, 2012

