What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for August 2006 

The best submission for the month of August was made by Arie Meydan.

 Hand: South was dealer at nil vulnerability and sitting East I held:

spades AK752
hearts Q64
diamonds 963
clubs 42
Bidding: West  North East South
   1clubs  Pass  1spades  2diamonds
   2hearts  Pass  ?

Comments:    Playing 4-card Acol with a casual partner, we were not playing Blackout. Following a reverse, what would be responder's most informative bid, particularly after the opponents enter the bidding?

Would 3clubs (false preference) show a minimum?

Would 2spades be forcing? Does 2spades show extras?

At the table I bid 3hearts which was raised to 4hearts. This Moysian fit failed by one trick. After 3hearts, would 4clubs be forcing? Opener was short in diamonds and 5clubs was easy and 6clubs cold after trump behaviour.

Peter's Reply:

Hi Arie,

I don't think Acol is very definite concerning bidding after reverses, whether or not interference occurs. For that matter I don't think Standard American is either. That is why conventions such as Blackout have been devised.

I would expect all non-jump bids in either of partner's suits or your own suit to be non-forcing. Probably 2NT would be non-forcing for that matter. Any available jumps below game would be forcing. The only other forcing bids would be 4th suit (in this case the opponent's suit). Some of this is not particularly sensible or even logical which is why Blackout is utilised in an effort to fill the gaps.

I think I'd bid 3diamonds. We must have enough for game. The only time partner is not full weight here is when a partial fit for responder's suit is held and partner can describe further.

Incidentally, given the availability of the double here to show hearts, 
2hearts ought to show five hearts and thus six clubs but I wouldn't trust many partners with that.

After 3hearts would 4clubs be forcing? Yes, because logically 3hearts has set hearts as trumps. Responder ought to have four hearts here - hence my preference for 3diamonds with this hand while 3clubs would be correct with weaker hands not suitable for other bids.

My guess, given the nature of the questions, is that 2hearts was not the right bid at the time. Might Double or 3clubs have been better?

The full deal was subsequently provided:

spades J1096
hearts J872
diamonds J105
clubs 73
spades 3
hearts AK105
diamonds Q
clubs AKJ10965
  spades AK752
hearts Q64
diamonds 963
clubs 42
  spades Q83
hearts 93
diamonds AK8742
clubs Q8

Peter Fordham

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