What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for July 2008

The best submission for July came from Maura Rhodes.

 Hand: Dealer North, nil vulnerable:

spades AKJ7
hearts AJ963
diamonds A982
clubs 10
Bidding: West North East South
   2diamonds  Pass  2hearts
Comments:  2diamonds was a multi showing a weak two in a major or a strong balanced hand and 2hearts was pass or correct. 
What do you bid with the above hand after 2diamonds-P-2hearts? You can't double as that would be a take out of hearts. Do you bid 3hearts natural or 2NT which is what I bid?

Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Maura,

2NT seems like a value bid. It's imperfect in shape but does a good job of showing the points and the stoppers. I'd go for that. Double seems misguided since as you point out, it should be takeout of hearts.


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