Page 18 - ABF Newsletter February 2025
P. 18
Paul Lavings,
What would you call on the following hands, neither side vulnerable?
1. ]Q106 [8 }AK106 {Q9832
2. ]Q65 [8 }J6432 {K753
3. ]1032 [K7 }K1043 {K982
4. ]K109 [2 }Q108652 {Q102
5. ]A43 [107 }A6432 {A32
6. ]K876 [J10 }K1085 {K732
7. ]J108762 [— }1096 {8742
8. ]82 [Q1087 }10752 {J95
9. ]K4 [Q1087 }KJ74 {983
10. ] K J 5 4 [ — } A Q 7 6 3 { 10 9 8 7
1. 1NT. Your hand will play much better in 1NT than 1[. Not only are overcalls becoming weaker, the suit-strength required is also becoming less. In the quarter-finals of the main event in Canberra this year, after the auction
a player overcalled 1] with ]A8542 [86 }652 {QJ5
vulnerable vs not, presumably after taking a deep breath.
2. Pass. You don’t like to leave partner in 1[ with your singleton but you aren’t strong enough to bid 1NT, which should be around 8-12 HCP.
3. 1NT. Without a spade stopper you might con- sider passing 1[, which might do better than 1NT. However, the overcall could be quite strong, perhaps 17-18 HCP, so passing risks missing a cold game.
4. 2}. After a one-level overcall is a new suit at the two-level forcing? I play it as non-forcing but I would be in the minority. The problem with passing 1[ is
that the bidding might end in 1[ while you do much better in diamonds. I like to rescue partner from a probable poor spot and suggesting diamonds via a non-forcing 2} makes sense with this hand.
5. 2}. Your choice is between 1NT and 2} and while your suit is poor, you have a hand with potential that is worth exploring. If partner passes, 2} is probably the best contract.
6. 1]. With five hearts and four spades would you overcall 1{ with 1[ or make a takeout double? You need to get your five-card suit in and not lose your 5-3 fit so most would prefer to overcall 1[.
This means responder needs to show their four- card spade suit, and new suits at the one-level in response to an overcall are forcing for one round. Now you will find your 4-4 spade fit, and perhaps even play 2] on a handsome 4-3 fit.
7. Pass. If you bid 1] partner will play you for some values and might quite reasonably bid something like 3[. An educated guess is that your RHO has passed 1[ because they have a heart stack and are waiting to pass opener’s takeout double of 1[ for penalties.
You are planning to tell your story of a weak hand with a long suit with this auction:
WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH 1{ 1[ pass pass dbl pass pass 1]
8. 3[. Showing 0-5 HCP and making life awkward for the opponents by taking away two levels of their bidding space. Under the safety of your 5-4 fit and you will make it far more difficult for opponents to judge.
9. 2NT. Becoming more popular and showing four- or five-card support and 6-9 HCP. The overcaller now has space to make a trial bid at the three-level, creating far more accuracy and far less uncertainty.
10. 1]. Your two choices appear to be 1] and 2}. 1] keeps the bidding low and if partner rebids 1NT you will be happy to pass and take your chances. Learn to love 1NT!
Page: 18
Australian Bridge Federation Ltd. Newsletter: February 2025